
Safe and Lock Ratings

The following information should assist you in determining what safe will best fit your particular situation. Should you still have questions please feel free to contact us at (888) 455-2337. We are available Mon-Fri from 8:30am-5:30pm CST.


B1414C-With Electonic Keypad-Print



B-Rate is a term that was developed in the 1800’s when companies on the East Coast who were transporting payrolls out west decided to move from wooden to steel boxes. This was done as insurance companies who had been covering the payrolls decided it was time for a change as trains and stage coaches were regularly being held up.

In the 1920’s, when Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) came into being, it was decided they could not govern these safes as the market had become flooded with “B-Rate” safes that were poorly constructed. Basically, anyone who slapped some steel together in the shape of a box could call it a “B-Rate” safe. Today there is still no governing body to regulate what is or is not a B-rate safe.

B-Rate safes generally consist of 1/4″ steel walls and 1/2″ steel doors. Most “B-Rate” safes  found on the market today are slightly under these dimensions. Hollon Safe however, is proud to offer TRUE B-RATE depositories to our customers.

Hollon 1 Hour Home Safe

HS-300E #1-Web


Our new 1 Hour Home Safe is solid in construction and is perfect for smaller areas such as closets and dorm rooms. These safes have passed the following fire test:


JIS Certified– Japanese Industrial Standard (Fire Test-1700 Degrees F)

Hollon 2 Hour Home and Office Safes


Hollon Safe Home and Office Safes come with a 2 Hour Fire Rating. They offer minimal security which generally is enough to keep honest folks honest and sticky fingers off of your stuff. Both lines of safes have been subjected and passed the following fire tests:


KIS Certified– Korean Industrial Standard (Fire Test- Up to 1850 Degrees F)

JIS Certified– Japanese Industrial Standard (Fire Test-1700 Degrees F)

Hollon 2 HR Fire & Burglary-Oyster Series



These safes come with a glass re-locker on all models except the FB-450 which has a spring loaded re-locker. They come with a CE Rated Keypad or Group II mechanical dial as an upgrade. Below are the fire rating certifications which also include a impact test (30 Ft. drop):


KIS Certified-Korean Industrial Standard (Fire Test- Up to 1850 Degrees F)

JIS Certified– Japanese Industrial Standard (Fire Test-1700 Degrees F)

Gun Safes

RG-22-Midnight Blue-Chrome Trim-Web Size

Most gun safes found on the market today bare the Underwriter Laboratories (UL) Residential Security Container (RSC) Rating. These safes consist of anywhere from 10 to 14 gauge steel and will normally have a UL Listed lock installed on them. Below are the ratings for our gun safe lines:


Hunter Series– 45 Min. Fire 12 Ga. Steel (Door and Body)

Black Hawk– 75 Min. Fire 10 Ga. Steel (Door and Body) *RSC PENDING*

USA Republic– 90 Min. Fire 3 Ga. Steel Door 10 Ga. Body *RSC RATED* UL Logo

UL Listed TL-15 and TL-30×6 Gun SafeUL Logo


TL-15 Rated SafesUL Logo


PM (Peace of Mind) Series

These safes are submitted to Underwriters Laboratories and then subjected to their strenuous testing procedures using both hand power tools not commonly found at your local hardware store. These safes are subjected to drilling on the door and one side wall. Our TL-15 Safes endured the attack by UL’s safe crackers and passed after they could only get up to 55% of the way through after the allotted 15 minutes (3 HR test in actuality).

These safes are insurable miniaturized banks vaults that come with either a Group 2M mechanical dial or Type 1 Electronic lock installed. They are perfect for end users who own expensive jewelry and coin collections and would like to have the items insured while stored inside the safe.


PM (Peace of Mind) SeriesUL Logo

PM-1014 (Smallest TL-15 in the world!!)- UL Listed 2HR Factory Fire test

PM-1814-UL Listed- 2HR Factory Fire Test

PM-2819– UL Listed- 2HR Factory Fire Test

PM-5826 UL Listed- 2HR Factory Fire Test

More Sizes Coming Soon!

Mechanical Locks

SG SpyGuard 3 S&G B&W Dial UL Logo

Group 1(R): These locks are resistant for up to twenty hours of skilled manipulation attacks as defined by Underwriters Laboratories. These locks are recommended for TL-30×6 safes and higher. **Please note that these locks are not stocked by Hollon Safe and must be special ordered.**


Group 2: These locks are the most common locks put on safes and perform well in most applications. They are generally used on B and C Rated safes and most RSC containers. They are not recommended for TL-15, TL-30, and TL-30×6 safes.


Group 2M: These locks are resistant up to two hours of manipulation as defined by Underwriters Laboratories. These locks are best used on TL-15, TL-30, and TL-30×6 safes.

Electronic Locks

S&G Spartan  Titan D-Drive    SecuRam SafeLogic prologic-l22                

UL Logo

Type 1: These locks are resistant to expert manipulation and are also radiological resistant. They are also non-volatile meaning that they will retain your code even if the battery(s) lose all power. Type 1 locks can be used on almost any safe starting with simple B Rate units all the way up to TL rated safes.  Most of the electronic locks stocked by Hollon Safe are Type 1.